Some pics from the Old City in Riga
Parkliv og litt romantikk. Det er visstnok slik at det kun er lov å oppholde seg på gresset i parkene en måned i året her i Riga...jeg syntes nemlig det var så rart at ingen lå i gresset i det fine været. Takk og lov for at vi ikke har slike regler i Oslo.
Enjoying the green parks. I douldn't understand why people didn't lay around in the grass, enjoying the good weather. My boyfriend told me it's a law in Latvia, saying you can only enjoy the greean areas in some parks during July. Strange!
Enjoying the green parks. I douldn't understand why people didn't lay around in the grass, enjoying the good weather. My boyfriend told me it's a law in Latvia, saying you can only enjoy the greean areas in some parks during July. Strange!
Jeg er ingen kaffejente, men hvis jeg først har lyst på noe kaffeholdig (som regel en is mocca) så må det bli på Coffee Nation.
I'm not a heavy coffee drinker, but sometimes I can consider a ice mocca. And Coffee Nation is the place to buy that in Riga.
Jeg elsker denne veggen. Det må være min favoritt vegg i hele Riga!
I just love this wall. It is my number one favourite wall in Riga.