Louise Roe sine budsjettips...

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På sin egen hjemmeside ramser Louise Roe (frøkna som plutselig entret The City og sjarmerte magasineliten og satte en ørliten støkk i Olivia) opp ti budsjettvennlige tips for å føle seg fasjonabel. Jammen meg skal jeg ikke ta et par av de i bruk.

"10 Ways to feel fabulous on a budget
1. Snap up designer diffusion lines the second they go on sale – H&M, Target and Forever21 make the best designer and celebrity collaborations, and - here’s a heads up - often sneakily put them out on racks a day before the advertised launch date.
2. Wear a hat. Not a beanie, but a proper hat. Trilbys, Fedoras and Bowlers add instant chic, elegance and intrigue to a plain outfit.
3. Throw a tea-party. Pick up an old tea stand at the flea market, bake a cake, cut the crusts off sandwiches, make your friends dress up (think Charlotte-style from SATC) and enjoy an afternoon of inexpensive, old-fashioned glamour.
4. Put aside two hours to watch an Audrey Hepburn movie, alone, with a large glass of red wine.
5. Cut bangs into your hair, paint your nails chocolate brown and slick on red lipstick. An instant new, ladylike you.
6. Buy last-minute, standing tickets to the opera. They’re very cheap, and it still sounds the same!
7. Sit in a posh hotel lobby to people-watch and just soak up the atmosphere. I’m obsessed with Claridges in London, The Sunset Tower in LA, and The Waldorf Astoria in New York…but every city’s got a good few!
8. Always wear expensive perfume. Whiz through the department store, spritz, and leave with as many samples as they’ll hand out.
9. Dress up to the max with a friend and spend the afternoon trying on clothes at designer boutiques. (Discreetly) take a Polaroid camera. Many stores even serve free champagne while you’re in the changing room too.
10. De-clutter your bedroom, iron your sheets, sprinkle lavender water on them, and put fresh flowers in a vase. A lot closer to a 5* hotel than it was before."

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