
Photo: MAC Cosmetics
Til helgen reiser jeg til Riga. Det betyr blant annet at det blir tax-free shopping. Har vurdert denne fikseringssprayen fra MAC en stund.

MAC beskriver FIX+ slik: "An aqua-spritz of vitamin and minerals, infused with a calm-the-skin blend of green tea, chamomile, cucumber, topped off with the fresh, natural, energizing scent of Sugi. Adds radiance, finishes makeup. Spray it on. Skin drinks it up!"

Høres masse skryt om den. Noen som har prøvd den? Den skal blant annet være fin å blande med mineralpudder for en mer polert look.
I am going to Riga this weekend, and that means it will be some taxfree shopping at the airport. This fix'ing spray from MAC have been in my thought for a while. I've heard a lot of positive comments on it, and think it time to test it myself. Have you tried it?

MAC Cosmetics on the Fix Spray: "An aqua-spritz of vitamin and minerals, infused with a calm-the-skin blend of green tea, chamomile, cucumber, topped off with the fresh, natural, energizing scent of Sugi. Adds radiance, finishes makeup. Spray it on. Skin drinks it up!"

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